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Ten Great Facts About Jimmy Buffett
1. He was born "james" William Buffett in Mobile Alabama
2. He started his musical career in Nashville Tennessee in 1962, as a country artist.
3. He is an avid pilot. During a flight around Jamaica, he was accidentally shot down by Jamaican police. They mistakenly thought he was smuggling drugs out of the country!
4. Jimmy Buffett only performs on Tuesdays, Thursdays, and Saturdays, based on his Album- "Buffett LIve: Tuesday, Thursday, or Saturday," that came out in 1999. He plays twenty to thirty concerts a year.
5. Buffett has his on Radio station called 'Radio Magaritaville which premiered on Sirius in 1998
6. Jimmy opened a chain of restaurants called "Magaritaville," and "Cheeseburger in Paradise." These island-themed restaurants showcase burgers, chicken, and trendy drinks. They are located all over the United States and Caribbean.
7. Jimmy Buffett is part-owner of two minor league baseball teams in and around Fort Myers, Florida.
8. Jimmy Buffett owns his own beer label called Landshark Lager, which emerged in bars in 2006.
9. Buffett has his own line of clothing, sandels etc, called Magaritaville.
10. He has made over 45 albums, and sold 300,000,000 of them. He is currently sixty-six years old, perfroming three nights a week during the summer months. He attracts large crowds of all ages. People that follow him are called "Parrotheads." His concerts consists of island themed songs, beach balls, and big tail-gate parties. It is fun enjoyed by all!

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Interview with Jimmy Buffett
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